Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest we grew up with a love for the outdoors. As a couple, our passion for exploration has become essential to our sanity. It gives us much needed time away from the daily grind (TPS reports), but more importantly, the opportunity to create long lasting memories (exception to ER visits). With world changes causing store closures, we found ourselves facing the same challenges as many (trying not to loose our minds). Forced to shop online through Big Box Retailers (you know the ones) proved to be difficult and unreliable.
Our personal online journey has lead us to a road less traveled (pun intended) and inspired us to simplify your shopping adventure.
Our goal at Outdoor Essential Gear is simple, to create a buying experience that we personally would appreciate. Most importantly, our website is designed to engage with you in a way that makes you feel good (not in a "dirty way", but in a dirty way) about your purchase.
We hope that you enjoyed reading our corny "start up" story.
We invite you to be a part of our adventure as we grow by joining the OEG family today.
Now get off of your damn smart phone/computer (of course, after buying something first, wink wink) and get outside!

Outdoor Essential Gear is about uniting the customer with products that are essential while in the natural elements. We are driven to offer only quality products that everyone can enjoy, and rely on. We pledge to provide the highest standard of customer service from beginning to end of your buying experience.

Giving Back
OEG is dedicated to supporting our local community and beyond. We are diligent in our efforts to improve the opportunities for youth, families, and their fury friends to be apart of the outdoors. Offering safe, unprejudiced, connection to nature is vital to children and their families. We also believe in supporting those that have served and are currently serving our country, that allow us the freedoms to enjoy nature. These inspirations are what brought us to contribute our time and resources to special groups such as The Children & Nature Network, The Gary Sinise Foundation, and Indigo Rescue.